Hello. I have not posted on this blog for years but now I feel compelled to do so---not because I think anyone will read my writing but because I wish to "time capsule" some thoughts on conspiracy, Jesse Ventura, democracy, america, and so on... If you click on the words 'conspiracy theory' above, you will be re-routed to Youtube and you can check out Jesse Ventura's noble attempts to ask questions which could lead to re-opening the 9/11 investigation.
For anyone who takes the time to watch "Loose Change" the film by young genius Dylan Avery which exposes the well choreographed event of 9/11 and certainly puts the official 9/11 investigation into critical view---you will certainly end up scratching your head and wondering 'what happened?'
However, I do not think it is possible to 'prove' anything concerning the conspiracy theory even if it is true that 9/11 was an 'inside' job. Here is the reason why:
Inability to Prove that 9/11 was an 'inside job'
Barring confessions by the agents who undertook this event, the entire evidence rests on video material which is manipulable and may have been manipulated even on 9/11. Eyewitness accounts are fragmentary owing to the scope, speed and very chaotic nature of the event. If there were a demolition in the twin towers and WTC7, the evidence was routinely destroyed---save the video material which I grant you depicts an obvious demolition, but all you have got is video which is the property of the major media and it is very difficult to verify the homemade videos one finds on Youtube.
The problem is that the conspiracy theory, if correct, must necessarily implicate all of the key players---i.e.the pilots, the airlines, the security at WTC, the film crews, police, Mayor Giuliani, The FBI, CIA, IRS, not to mention Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, and George W. Bush. Every step of the event must have been choregraphed perfectly! You cannot say for example that WTC7 was demoed without also debunking the official view. Any one piece of evidence implies every other in a systematic fashion. This still does not mean that the conspiracy theory that 9/11 was an inside job is not true---it simply cannot be proven.
Who Guards the Guardians?
You see to whom are you going to press your case? Which court would hear such a global conspiracy against the US Government? One would have to seek justice outside the walls of America! And who could act in this role? Strange problem---strange times!
21 st Century Democracy
What binds this nation together organically? What is the 'united' in united states stand for? I for one would be less inclined to be loyal to a country whose own government attacked itself for political reasons! Wouldn't you? Democracy is by no means compulsory it is the consent of the governed. But what does this consent consist in after all?
#2 Citizens in a democracy must be up for their democracy! It is "of and by and for the people" or it is simply demagoguery. But are the American citizens "Up for" democracy at the present time?
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